Like many educational institutes, Wageningen University & Research (WUR) faced a challenge. With over 7,500 employees, 14,000 students, 30 locations and 9 research institutes, its content management was fragmented across multiple platforms.

It was challenging for WUR to manage 800 websites — which all had their own CMS, content, and design. WUR consulted GX to fuse 800 websites into one cohesive platform.



From the experience of working with several organizations in the domain of higher education, we know that the student journey is multifaceted. GX helped WUR overcome this challenge by:

  1. Streamlining website management

  2. Optimizing content organization

  3. Centralizing content management

  4. Creating a consistent brand experience

  5. Enabling scalability for diverse projects

Wageningen university
Customer Cases _ WUR

From collaboration to success

Going from 800 websites to one single platform significantly improved the way of working for WUR. On the customer side, website traffic increased substantially with 1,5 times and the number of form submissions doubled. So, an easier way of working and better results. Seems like a win-win!

If you want to learn more about the steps WUR took, please read the full Customer Case here.



Since 2013, WUR and GX have a strong collaborative partnership to increase digital performance. We implemented the CMS XperienCentral as a foundation for website development. A collaboration that already lasts more than 10 years. Moreover, GX actively contributes to website enhancement and personalization using a Customer Data Platform. Together, WUR and GX have achieved significant milestones in digital innovation, fostering mutual growth and success in the landscape of online student engagement.

Also ready for a more simple way of working? Contact us to see how we can help.